I would like to help support Howard. I think it is a very good idea
allthough I dont have too much money ( for now, I hope ). I have a problem.
I'm in Bogota, Colombia, and I think that I would not be able to pay via
payPal 'cause it is not enabled here so If there is any other way it would
be ok.

2007/6/5, Patrick Yip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Just wabt to ask if anyone out there would like to support Howard in
Tappestry development.  I think if everyone give a little, it could become
significant source of income to allow him to spend more of his time on
amazing framework.
Howard, if you have a Paypal account, please let me know.

On 6/1/07, Howard Lewis Ship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just wanted to inject a simple reminder: Tapestry 5 is still an
> alpha-level
> product.  It's still evolving. There are gaps in the functionality and
> the documentation.
> I'm very heartened by so many people wanting to preview Tapestry 5 but
> just
> remember it is a preview and an early one.  It's coming together rapidly
> but
> the realities of open source development is that I have responsibilities
> outside of Tapestry that have to come first *. The same goes for all the
> other developers.
> It is a difficult balance for me, because I want to answer more
> on
> the mailing list, but the way to best help the community is to keep my
> nose
> down in the code.
> Keep having fun, and try to stay patient,
> Howard
> * Unless someone is interested in funding part of the T5 development
> effort.  Just asking.
> --
> Howard M. Lewis Ship
> TWD Consulting, Inc.
> Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
> Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
> Creator, Apache HiveMind
> Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
> and project work.  http://howardlewisship.com

Patrick Y. Yip

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