i have some utilites running in my application via a custom Util Interface 
certain classes call. I need some way to redirect the user to a custom error 
page which a pregenerate error id. Even a way to throw a runtime exception (T3: 
ApplicationRuntimeException / RedirectException).

This would be a snap if i could inject the error page into my util interface 
methods, but i get a type coercion error. I read though the APi and didn't see 
anything that would allow me to throw sometime of exception. 

PS: i wanted to use this error throwing for when i hash the user password, and 
need to stop the application if there was a problem.

my other question was, how (or better yet what service) do i use to logout a 
user (inessence reset the entire ASO, and direct user to the root of the 
application. Is this something in t5 you have to manually create a ASO method 
to handle?


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