
I just setup a system where I have an ApplicationScoped bean hold a String
authenticationDeniedMessage (could obviously be any error message). On my
GenericPage which all my pages extend, I check on the @CleanupRender if this
String != null and if so, redirect to my AuthetnicationDenied page. This
page renders the message in clears it on @CleanupRender so any subsequent
request will work again. This setup allows me to deny access to a page at
any point of my page lifecycle without Declerative or Runtime Exceptions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Jue [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 2:56 AM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: T5 Strategy for redirecting due to any error

Hi, this is more a question of technique than an actual problem.

Some use cases:
Lets say I have code that throws a NPE.  I'd get a Tapestry error page
that spills it's guts.  It must use some technique for redirecting to
another page at any point (might be too deep in the framework to
harness that power)

Lets say I have another page that requires a user session (ASO) -- the
OnActivate method would do the checking and redirect to a page from
there.  Anyone can do this from OnActivate--so long as you know
everything in the OnActivate() method, so it's not really interesting.

Now lets say I have a page or component that checks a value that we
could label as invalid, or we have a select component that can't be
filled because a DB is down.

Is there a way to redirect to another page at any point in the render
process of a component or page?

I think this would kind of fall along the lines of people who
questioned how to replace the Tapestry error page with something more
appropriate for the end user.  Except that I'd want to be able to
explicitly call/forward to an arbitrary page when my code comes across
something abnormal.

Does anyone have ideas or strategies about this?

Daniel Jue

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