I could not find how to compute a url ...
It is for a component which give the user the possibility to change his locale by clicking on a image (country flags).

Urls should be like : /theApp/Public/flags/fr.gif
There is 2 dynamics parts :
* the application context  : /theApp
* the available locale code : fr
like : <context>/Public/flags/<localeCode>.gif

I thought about <asset name="xxx" path="context:xxxx" /> but it is not possible because path attribute started by "context:" could not use ognl expression. Also thought about <img jwcid="@Any" src="ognl: page.context + '/xxx/' + currentLoopItem + '.gif' " /> but "page.context" does not exists.

I really could not find how to compute the <context> part of urls.
Have you got any idea please ?


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