I suppose I'd have to make the time to test through the Palette component to figure this one out. The syntax appears to be correct (apart from the trailing comma you already identified) and the lack of comments obscures a lot of what's going on.

There's some (to me) really obscure eventhandling going on which doesn't really help in understanding what could be going wrong :) My guess would be that IE doesn't change the state of something quite in the way FireFox would (judging from the bug you already solved it wasn't tested in anything else) and as a result you now don't have a set of objects to move, or something along those lines. Think along the lines of events which in FF are global, while in IE they only fire on the element.

Probably the best way to get some clarity is by adding a few alerts in some key places and compare the results of those alert between FF and IE. Just because it works in FF doesn't mean it's correct BTW.

I'm certain it's not a matter of syntax though!

Daniel Jue wrote:
I am using JS Eclipse, however I am no javascript wizard. :-)
JSEclipse didn't complaint about the extra comma!

I just had a look at the T4 pallet js (from the apache trunk) and it does
not have a comma after the end of the function listing.  However, the T4
version is way different and uses some dojo constructs as well as some
deprecation handling at the bottom.


Here is the full T5 version, as of T5.0.5:

Tapestry.Palette = Class.create();
Tapestry.Palette.prototype = {
  initialize : function(id, reorder, naturalOrder) {
    this.reorder = reorder;
    // The SELECT elements

      this.avail = $(id + ":avail");
      this.selected = $(id);

      this.hidden = $(id + ":values");

      // Seperator used for values in the hidden field.
      this.sep = ";";

      // The BUTTON elements
      this.select = $(id + ":select");
      this.deselect = $(id + ":deselect");

      if (this.reorder) {
        this.up = $(id + ":up");
        this.down = $(id + ":down");

      this.valueToOrderIndex = {};

      naturalOrder.split(this.sep).each(function (value, i) {
this.valueToOrderIndex[value] = i; }.bind(this));


  bindEvents : function() {
    var updateButtons = this.updateButtons.bindAsEventListener(this);
    Event.observe(this.avail, "change", updateButtons);
    Event.observe(this.selected, "change", updateButtons);

    var selectClicked = this.selectClicked.bindAsEventListener(this);
    Event.observe(this.select, "click", selectClicked);
    Event.observe(this.avail, "dblclick", selectClicked);

    var deselectClicked = this.deselectClicked.bindAsEventListener(this);

    Event.observe(this.deselect, "click", deselectClicked);
    Event.observe(this.selected, "dblclick", deselectClicked);

    if (this.reorder) {
      Event.observe(this.up, "click", this.moveUpClicked.bindAsEventListener
      Event.observe(this.down, "click",

  updateButtons: function() {
    this.select.disabled = this.avail.selectedIndex < 0;

    var nothingSelected = this.selected.selectedIndex < 0;

    this.deselect.disabled = nothingSelected;

    if (this.reorder) {
      this.up.disabled = nothingSelected || this.allSelectionsAtTop();
      this.down.disabled = nothingSelected || this.allSelectionsAtBottom();

  indexOfLastSelection : function(select) {
    if (select.selectedIndex < 0) return -1;

    for (var i = select.options.length - 1; i >= select.selectedIndex; i--)
      if (select.options[i].selected) return i;

    return -1;

  allSelectionsAtTop: function() {
    var last = this.indexOfLastSelection(this.selected);
    var options = $A(this.selected.options);

    return ! options.slice(0, last).any(function (o) { return ! o.selected;

  allSelectionsAtBottom : function() {
    var options = $A(this.selected.options);

    // Make sure that all elements from the (first) selectedIndex to the end
are also selected.
    return options.slice(this.selected.selectedIndex).all(function(o) {
return o.selected; });

  selectClicked : function(event) {
     this.transferOptions(this.avail, this.selected, this.reorder);

  deselectClicked : function(event) {
     this.transferOptions(this.selected, this.avail, false);

  transferOptions : function (from, to, atEnd) {
    // from: SELECT to move option(s) from (those that are selected)
    // to: SELECT to add option(s) to
    // atEnd : if true, add at end, otherwise by natural sort order
    var toOptions = $A(to.options);

    toOptions.each(function(option) { option.selected = false; });

    var movers = this.removeSelectedOptions(from);
    this.moveOptions(movers, to, atEnd);


  updateHidden : function() {
    // Every value in the selected list (whether enabled or not) is combined
to form the value.
    var values = $A(this.selected).map(function(o) { return o.value; });

    this.hidden.value = values.join(this.sep);

  moveUpClicked : function(event) {
    var pos = this.selected.selectedIndex - 1;
    var movers = this.removeSelectedOptions(this.selected);

    var before = pos < 0 ? this.selected.options[0] : this.selected.options

    this.reorderSelected(movers, before);


  removeSelectedOptions : function(select) {
    var movers = [];
    var options = select.options;

    for (var i = select.selectedIndex; i < select.length; i++) {
      var option = options[i];
      if (option.selected) {

    return movers;

  moveOptions : function(movers, to, atEnd) {

    movers.each(function(option) { this.moveOption(option, to, atEnd);


  moveOption : function(option, to, atEnd) {
    var before = null;
    if (!atEnd) {
      var optionOrder = this.valueToOrderIndex[option.value];
      var candidate = $A(to.options).find(function (o) {
            return this.valueToOrderIndex[o.value] > optionOrder;
      if (candidate) before = candidate;
    to.add(option, before);

moveDownClicked : function(event) {
    var lastSelected = $A(this.selected.options).reverse(true).find(function
(option) { return option.selected; });
    var lastPos = lastSelected.index;
    var before = this.selected.options[lastPos + 2];

    // TODO: needs to be "reorder options"
    this.reorderSelected(this.removeSelectedOptions(this.selected), before);


reorderSelected : function(movers,  before) {
    movers.each(function(option) { this.selected.add(option, before);

I've also tried reformatting the strings that get put into the listboxes,
figuring it might have been some obscure character like a " ' ".  So far no

On 8/28/07, Martin Reurings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Without having a look at the rest of the code I can tell you without a
doubt you are on the right track there.
When using Object Notation Firefox has some weird parsing error which
allows it to successfully parse an object that has the illegal syntax
you just highlighted. Make no mistake though, only Firefox is capable of
this, Opera probably chokes on it and I know Safari will for sure.

If you'd be developing using Eclipse it may help to open up that JS code
in JSEclipse (Free download from Adobe), it has a reasonably
well-behaving syntax checker, it might help you fixing up the syntax :)

Daniel Jue wrote:
When using the Palette component, I am getting a Javascript error in IE,

Line: 183
Char: 1
Error: Expected identifier, string or number
Code: 0

  reorderSelected : function(movers,  before) {
    movers.each (function(option) { this.selected.add(option, before);


Line 183 is the line after the };

I think the extra comma after the end of the reorderSelected code block
to blame.
For me it was causing an error in IE6 which prevented me from using the
select button in the Palette.

I removed the "extra" comma, but then when I highlight some items and
the select button, I get a Type Mismatch error on the comma at the end
this function:

  moveOption : function(option, to, atEnd) {
    var before = null;

    if (!atEnd) {
      var optionOrder = this.valueToOrderIndex[option.value];
      var candidate = $A(to.options).find(function (o) {
            return this.valueToOrderIndex[o.value] > optionOrder;
      if (candidate) before = candidate;

    to.add(option, before);

Is the T5 Palette working fine for anyone using IE?
The IE Version I am testing is

Everything works fine in Firefox, of course.

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