I don't know much about CAL ... could this kind of thing be accomplished by
extending the ComponentClassEnhancementWorker chain of command? Or is CAL
based on the raw Javassist APIs?

On 9/12/07, Tom Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 13/09/2007, at 12:00 AM, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
> > I'd love to know why you want to do this ... it indicates to me
> > that there
> > needs to be some additional configuration available to CIS to
> > support your
> > needs.
> >
> I don't know if I have a valid use-case, but what I'm doing is
> experimenting with integrating Business Object's CAL language with
> Java, so a page class from the tutorial app becomes:
> @Cal(workspace = "myworkspace.cws", module = "TDavies.Start")
> public class Guess {
>         @Persist
>         private int _target;
>           void setup(int target)
>           {
>             _target = target;
>           }
>           public int getTarget()
>           {
>             return _target;
>           }
>           private int _guess;
>           public int getGuess()
>           {
>             return _guess;
>           }
>           public void setGuess(int guess)
>           {
>             _guess = guess;
>           }
>           @Persist
>           private String _message;
>           public String getMessage()
>           {
>             return _message;
>           }
>           String onActionFromLink(int guess)
>           {
>             _message = getNewMessage(guess, _target);
>             MaybeValue<String> nextPage = getNextPage(guess,_target);
>             return nextPage.getValueField();
>           }
>           @Cal
>           String getNewMessage(int guess, int target)
>           {
>                   return null;
>           }
>           @Cal
>           MaybeValue<String> getNextPage(int guess, int target)
>           {
>                   return null;
>           }
> }
> Where the methods with the @Cal annotations are replaced by Javassist
> with calls to CAL functions. I'm not even sure this is useful yet --
> I'm just exploring.
> To do this I needed to be able to apply a Javassist Translator to the
> page classes as they were loaded (and javassist.Loader.addTranslator
> should be named *setTranslator*!)
> Perhaps there is a better way?
> In any case, ComponentInstantiatorSourceImpl is quite monolithic --
> perhaps some of its components should be injected, e.g. a seperate
> Translator, rather than having ComponentInstantiatorSourceImpl
> implement Translator.
> Tom
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Howard M. Lewis Ship
Partner and Senior Architect at Feature50

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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