Hi Mohammad,

I'm not sure I completely understand. I think you have created a component for rendering your search results, and I assume you have created it to accept a parameter containing the results to display. So you should be able to use it like this in your templates:

   <t:searchresults results="results"/>

This assumes that you have a component named "SearchResults" and it receives a Collection (List, Set, etc) of results in a parameter named "results". If you already have this, and your component implements your display logic for the results, then you won't really be repeating any code. Of course you may be talking about the logic to get your results, but I'm not sure.

Perhaps if you could explain a bit more, I could offer better help.

good luck!

Mohammad Shamsi wrote:
Dear friends,

i have a  search box in my page layout, and a component for show list of
items (like table and grid)

i want to send  search result to  my grid component to show them, but i
don't know how to do it

i need it in all of my pages, and i don't want to repeat code in all pages.

any idea ?

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