If you switch to a 5.0.6 snapshot, yes.


Chris Lewis wrote:
I didn't realize that it was a (partial) attempt at preventing the container from serving them as static. However, "Use the extension ".tml" (Tapestry Markup Language)" confirms that there is at least some degree of branding. Many frameworks do this (rhtml anyone?), and probably for several reasons, but branding is certainly one of them.

PS So does that mean I must rename all of my templates to *.tml?

Nick Westgate wrote:
Marketing eh? Interesting idea.
Here are the actual reasons from the dev list discussion:

1) Use the extension ".tml" (Tapestry Markup Language) for Tapestry
templates, rather than ".html". This reflects the goal of using Tapestry to
serve many kinds of markup, not just HTML (and XHTML).

2) Move web context templates from WEB-INF to / (root).  This will allow
relative paths to resources (images, etc.), much as in Tapestry 4.

3) Extend the TapestryFilter to block access to ".tml" files from the
client. This addresses security concerns related to external users gaining
access to raw templates (much as we are careful to block access to Java
.class files via /asset).

Basically the tml suffix allows templates to be protected by Tapestry outside
WEB-INF while *.html files are served as static files by the container.


Penyihir Kecil wrote:
i'm not saying i like unclosed tag
we're not work alone man...
when you're work on team
everything could be happenned
it's not about smart or dumb (sorry)

just my humble opinion

and also i think
you don't have to personal attacking me
it just my opinion about tapestry
not personal attacking
you should learn how to argue politey

--- Chris Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you're only real concern is that fact that you
have to have well-formed documents, I'd suggest you examine your
coding practices. Having unclosed tags is not smart as it will break
the rendering. As far as *tml, I agree its annoying and its most likely
named that for marketing reasons, but I dont use it. I use *html.


Penyihir Kecil wrote:
dunno why but i'm little bothered by the new
of tapestry 5 based on xml

if it's true...then
it will has strict rules when writing html tag
it has to be xml rules not html

In a change from Tapestry 4, under Tapestry 5,
component templates are well formed XML documents.
That means that every open tag must have a
close tag, every attribute must be quoted, and so

in html when we forget to close the tag it will be
but in xml it will be show as an error....

second....the type .tml
it's really annoying....
he3x...just i will looks strange

just my 2 cents....

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