Dojo has the concept of registering for events and publishing events - so, the mixin could emit js that publishes
a set of custom events

Event content could follow any protocol you decide, either json
{nodeId:'textarea1', charsLeft:50, message:''} or even a string
and it would be published with dojo.event.publish(eventSlot, eventContent)

Then the displayer could be set up to listen for all messages of that specific slot using dojo.event.subscribe(eventSlot, myHandlerObject, 'onEvent');

Anyway, perhaps you can do something similar to handle events in any js toolkit.

Chris Lewis wrote:
Hello again,

I've been working on a mixin that will count the characters typed into a TextField or TextArea, as they are typed. It works fine but among other things, I want to make it possible to control where and how user feedback is displayed. My mixin just implements the counting logic, but it should be possible for a user to use this mixin and configure it to display a counter, implement text-length restriction (something not possible for html text areas without JS), and implement notification. How should I go about doing this? I could easily have a domId parameter on the mixin that would receive the counter notifications, but I'd rather make it easy for one to plug in their own logic and receive these notifications as events. Obviously that part would happen in client-side JS, but I want the framework to coordinate the two (ensuring the components exist, etc). Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


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Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
Tapestry / Tacos developer
Open Source / JEE Consulting

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