I'm just giving the standard response for this problem, though I don't
know if T4 has changed such that a different solution is possible.

For instance, maybe you need to use "ognl:tableSource" in your template
depending on the binding defaults for T4, since I think that can change.
I don't have a T4 project (or the time) to test this now.

Also, you mention doing arithmetic on tableSize. But it's a String right?
I don't remember OGNL automatically doing string to numeric conversion
(please correct me if I'm wrong) but in that case you'll need another
getter, say int getTableSizeInt() that converts to an int and then use
tableSizeInt in your arithmetic.

You've posted so much stuff now that I don't have time to read it all.


Ken nashua wrote:
Thanks Nick and for the observations I will take notice.

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