Hard to say without seeing the source and how you are using the component.


Michael Gerzabek wrote:
I implemented an alternative radio component. When I debug my setupRender() the parameters from the template are all null. When I look into the ComponentResources in _bindings there are all my Parameters but the annotated values in my own component seem never be initialized.

What am am I missing?


Nick Westgate schrieb:
The obvious answer to your question is the source for RadioGroup.java. ;-) http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/apidocs/src-html/org/apache/tapestry/corelib/components/RadioGroup.html

Basically, RadioGroup is responsible for the collective behaviour of
Radios when each is rendering, and when the form is submitted, through
RadioContainer "Environmentals" stored in the Environment service:
http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/apidocs/org/apache/tapestry/RadioContainer.html http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/apidocs/org/apache/tapestry/services/Environment.html

When you understand how this class behaves, you could consider moving
the functionality into either a new Radio component or possibly into a
new Form component - though Form is quite complex already.

Yet another approach, since you are already preprocessing the html,
would be to automatically insert RadioGroups where necessary.

If you come up with an interesting solution, please let the list know.


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