Thanks for the reply.

Ok, the page specific content:

   My Page Specific Content

is stored in its own .tml file, right?  Call it specific.tml

Now, the layout template, as specified by the documentation, is

 <html xmlns:t="";>
         <title>My Tapestry Application</title>

and that is stored I its own .tml file, call it layout.tml

So, how does layout.tml know to use specific.tml to fill in the
<t:body/> tag?  Does it have to be injected somehow?  Where does it get
a reference? How is this done?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Barker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 10:56
To: 'Tapestry users'
Subject: RE: Templates and t:body


The documentation is correct, but requires some getting used to.

A layout component is more of a design pattern (like the Border in T4).
It is designed to be wrapped around something.  That something appears
where you see <t:body />

The naming is by convention.  I'm still using a T4 convention, so I
actually use a <t:border /> rather than a <t:layout />, because I
created a component named Border rather than one named Layout.  You
could call it anything you want!

When you use <t:layout />, in your page, it's like saying, "Take
everything inside of this tag and put in into Layout where you see
<t:body />".

I hope that helps.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Heck, Bob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 11:37 AM
> To: Tapestry users
> Subject: Templates and t:body
> I am really confused and in need of some clarification.
> The templates documentation for Tapestry 5 
> (
> la
> tes.html) shows this (direct copy/paste):
> ============================
> The following example is a Layout component, that adds basic HTML 
> elements around the page specific content:
> <html xmlns:t="";>
>     <head>
>         <title>My Tapestry Application</title>
>     </head>
>     <body>
>         <t:body/>
>     </body>
> </html>
> A page would use this component as follow:
> <t:layout
> xmlns:t="";>
>   My Page Specific Content
> </t:layout>
> When the page renders, the page's template and the Border component's 
> template are merged together:
> <html>
>   <head>
>     <title>My Tapestry Application</title>
>   </head>
>   <body>
>     My Page Specific Content
>   </body>
> </html>
> ==============================
> 1.  I thought a layout component should start with t:layout, someone 
> please clarify if the first block is actually a layout component.
> 2.  I will assume (not sure this is correct, though) that the 
> introductory sentences are reversed and the layout component is 
> actually the second block, i.e.:
> <t:layout
> xmlns:t="";>
>   My Page Specific Content
> </t:layout>
> And, the page is actually the first block, i.e.:
> <html xmlns:t="";>
>     <head>
>         <title>My Tapestry Application</title>
>     </head>
>     <body>
>         <t:body/>
>     </body>
> </html>
> 3.  Given that #2 assumption is correct, I still do not understand how

> the page inserts the layout template in the body.  There is no id 
> given to the template, so where is the linking between the two? Is 
> there a specific name given to the template file?  If so, it is not 
> explained or even mentioned.
> 4.  The sentence "When the page renders, the page's template and the 
> Border component's template are merged together:" is confusing as 
> well, as I read elsewhere that there is no Border component in T5.
> Am I missing something very basic here?  I just can't seem to get a 
> handle.  All I want to do is include menus/navigation in other pages, 
> does not seem like it should be that hard.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Bob

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