
Excellent documentation!  I'm a newbie to the world of Tapestry, IoC,
and front-end development in general (my background is ETL
development--large batch loads of data between different systems).  I've
struggled for weeks to piece concepts together from the documentation
and examples I could find.

This pulls together in one place a lot of very valuable information into
a wonderful overview.

The overview page was easy reading, and made a lot of sense to me.  I
wouldn't change a thing.

I was somewhat confused reading the section on service disambiguation,
but I'll take your word that there's more info on it later--that after
reading the "Basics" page, I won't need to have a firm grasp of it.

COOKBOOK - Service Configurations
Excellent page!  All of this has been over my head up until now.
Extremely useful documentation here.

I was very glad to see that one of your examples also explained a
Dispatcher.  I've seen discussion of that on the mailing list the last
few days, and have really wanted to understand it better.

Also, I think it would be helpful to include an example of receiving a
Mapped Configuration.  There is an example of contributing, but not one
of receiving.

COOKBOOK - Using Patterns
I found myself losing interest in this page, because I couldn't see how
I would ever need to contribute an injection.  Because of that, it was
hard for me to engage to see how I could use the pattern.

Thanks for putting so much effort and thought into the's very valuable for us users, and for the acceptance
of the project!


On Fri, 2007-11-09 at 10:09 -0800, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
> I've been working on new documentation about Tapestry IoC (similar
> stuff will be coming for Tapestry core):
> Overview:
> Cookbook:
> Feedback is encouraged!

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