Kevin Menard wrote:
Is there anyway to configure validation for a BeanEditForm other than with
the Validate annotation?  I'd like to have validation, but really can't
apply the annotations because I'm working with classes coming out of a
I see at least two other way, one simple and one other a little more complicate.

The first one is to use the "validate" parameter in a property editor override in the BeanEditForm template. See "Property Editor Overrides" in You might also add your custom property editors with their template (and so their fields with validate parameter).

The other one is the programmatic way, but you should not need it for common use of BeanEditForm. If you want to customize globaly the validation proces, you may extend the PropertyEditor component and play with FieldValidator and fieldValidatorSource service. You also will have to extend the BeanEditor component template to use you new property editor, and the beanEditForm so that it uses the new BeanEditor. If you want, I have an example of such a thing here :
A brief description :
* MyPropertyEditor is just a copy&past of T5 PropretyEditor, with some visibility change on methods, you may forget it ; * ** AttributeEditor ** is a special editor for the kind of attribute I have to deal with in my app. It extends MyPropertyEditor (read PropertyEditor) and It is the intersting component in which my personal validation process is done. Basically, I want to add a "required" validator if the attribute has a mandatory parameter set to true. * AttributeBeanEditor & EntryBeanEditor. I think they are not to interesting for what you want to do, but if you look to their template, you will see that AttributeBeanEditor calls AttributeEditor and that EntryBeanEditor calls AttributeBeanEditor.

Hope it will help !

Francois Armand
Etudes & Développements J2EE
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