Hi Bastian

Two suggestions that might help
1)  In ognl you don't necesarily need to ask if something is null using "==null"
you can use "ognl:!user"

"ognl:!user or (!user.hasPermission(@theClass.THE_PERMISSION))"

2) Given that it's a classic !A OR !B, flip it applying De Morgan's
"ognl:!(user and user.hasPermission(@theClass.THE_PERMISSION)))"

You can try them just to see if you get the same results.


On Nov 15, 2007 1:38 PM, Bastian Voigt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> just upgraded to Tapestry 4.1.3 I have the following problem:
> I am using an @If component with the following conditional expression:
> "ognl:user==null or (!user.hasPermission(@theClass.THE_PERMISSION))"
> which should evaluate to true, if there is no user logged in
> (user==null) or a user without sufficient permissions is logged in.
> It works, but I get a nasty exception stacktrace in my server.log every
> time this expression is evaluated (see below).
> I already had this problem earlier with Tap 4.1.2 but then it was even
> worse because it actually broke my pages.
> Any possible solution?
> Regards
> Bastian

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