On Nov 19, 2007 5:42 PM, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo
> Hi, Lasitha! (By the way, where are you from?)
Oh, the beautiful town of kandy, sri lanka :)

> I'm planning to release the sources until this weekend.
Great, thanks!  Will be looking forward to it.

In the meantime, may i ask whether/how HiberTapestry solves the
problem posed in this thread? To wit: hibernate will detect and commit
changes to dirty objects even if we've realized mid way through the
unit-of-work that it should be rejected.

Earlier replies have suggested either intermediate objects or marking
retrieved objects as read only[1].

The Spring OSIV filter/interceptor avoids this problem by turning off
automatic session flushing and relying on service layers to explicitly
commit (either manually or declaratively)[2].

I've run across a variation of this where the
filter/interceptor/decorator always rolled back the active transaction
at the end of the request cycle. Service layers are again responsible
for committing desirable changes and a commit immediately begins a new
transaction on the same session (checkpointing?), so the rollback is a
no-op on most requests.

I suppose another option is to 'tell' the framework that we don't want
to commit by throwing an exception (ugh!).

Looking forward to your and other folks' thoughts on this.

> This is one of the best reasons to use open-source code: you don't need to
> trust something you don't know how it works. :)
Absolutely!  Gotta love it.


[2] http://static.springframework.org/spring/docs/2.0.x/api/index.html

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