The Registry is not exposed, a service may be passed its
ServiceResources via a constructor parameter. This is an extension of
ServiceLocator, which includes all the key methods of Registry,
allowing services to be obtained by type or by service id.

In addition, starting in 5.0.7., service proxies are serializable,
which helps when integrating with Quartz.  You can store a reference
to a service in a non-transient field of your Job.  I did some Quartz
integration for a project using the 5.0.5 code, and it required
jumping through some serious hoops.

In fact, that code code was an example of why I think you are going
down the wrong path.  I had a JobRunner service that tooks mapped
contribution of ScheduledJobs; the ScheduledJob was a wrapper around
some scheduling information and a Runnable object.  Dependencies were
injected into the contribute method(s) and packaged up as Runnable's
that are part of the configuration.  The JobRunner was @EagerLoad.

On Dec 14, 2007 9:22 PM, Andy Huhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> I'd like to use Quartz with tapestry.  As such, I'd like to get a
> reference to the Registry and pass it into a Tapestry service (so that I
> can use it in my Quartz jobs to instantiate all of my DAOs and Hibernate
> Sessions).
> I saw some discussion here on the list a few days ago about the
> sounds like it's not exposed to services at all.  Is this
> true?  Does anyone have any ideas how I can get a reference to it?
> I have also thought about building a completely new registry inside this
> service for all of the quartz jobs to use, but my guess is that there
> would be quite an impact on the machine's resources.  Does anyone have a
> good feel for how much memory I can expect to give up if I instantiate a
> second instance of the Registry?
> Thanks,
> Andy
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Howard M. Lewis Ship
TWD Consulting, Inc.

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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