Dear list,

In order to isolate the problem, I tried to do something much simpler: showing
a DirectLink on one of my pages.

The tapestry manual gives an example on how to use DirectLink with listeners:

However, these examples assume that the content of the page containing the
DirectLink does not depend on page parameters.

How can I use a DirectLink on a page that depends on a parameter, for
instance of, on a page like this

The link generated by a DirectLink component is something like


but does not mention the id. So the listener is executed but afterwards,
the Article page does not know which item (namely id=27) it should show!

I feel very much that I am on the wrong track and would be very glad to
receive some help.

Many thanks,

On 17.12.2007, at 20:50, Kaspar Fischer wrote:
Hm, I think my question was not well formulated. Apologies. I'll try
once more!

Suppose you want to implement an index that shows all files starting with
"A", "B", etc. My page would show

  A B C D ... X Y Z

and you can click on a letter to show the files starting with this letter
in a sortable Contrib:Table. How would I do this?

Can somebody lead me on the right track?


On 16.12.2007, at 17:08, Kaspar Fischer wrote:

Hi list,

How can I tell Contrib:Table to pass on page paremeters? When I click on
a table column to sort it, the page that opens does not have the page
parameters of the old page anymore!

More precisely, my page "Page.html" uses a paremeter (nodeid) to know
what content to display. So in's pageBeginRender() method I

    String nodeIdParam = cycle.getParameter("nodeid");

and then I load the data from a database and display a few things in
a Contrib:Table.

Unfortunately, the link that the Contrib:Table generates in order to
sort a column does not contain the value for parameter "nodeid":

http://localhost:8080/kc/ Page,tableColumnComponent.linkColumn.sdirect?container=Contrib% 3ASimpleTableColumnPage&sp=APage%2C% 24SortableTable.table.tableView&sp=SnodeTableTitle

So when I click the link, my node does not know what data to load from
the database!

I think I need to tell Contrib:Table to include the nodeid in the link,

How can I do this?

Many thanks,

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