Hi Andreas,

On 20.12.2007, at 11:36, Andreas Pursian wrote:

How can I use a DirectLink on a page that depends on a parameter, for
instance of, on a page like this


So if i got the point, you just want to create a link that refers to a
special article wich is identified by an id ... right?

The tapestry manual gives an example on how to use DirectLink with


if you read a bit further there is a part "Passing data in the links"
... which should solve your problem.

I have read this, and you are right: it solves the problem in this particular
case where I only want to generate a link.

However, if you look at my original post, then I do not see anymore how
to solve the problem. The latter post is about generating links, too. But this time it is not me who is generating the links but Contrib:Table. (It generates links to sort a table.) Again, I run into the same problem: The links generated by Contrib:Table only identify the page class (Article) but *not* its id. So when you click on the link, the page does not know which article to show.

In the DirectLink example, I can -- as you say -- pass parameters manually.
But how would I do it with Contrib:Table?


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