I could be mistaken, but I think if you have the component in a loop, then
updateComponent("baseIdName") will apply to all of those components in the
loop . . . I.e., you don't have to specify each individual instance.

If you're running into issues with grouping though, you could surround the
the whole thing with an @Any div and updateComponent on that.  It will
descend into each child component.  I had to do this to work around a bug in
IE6 (subsequently filed in JIRA).


On 1/16/08 3:26 PM, in article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Ken in nashua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> more feedback...
> I tried this explicitly
> getResponseBuilder().updateComponent("tableSizeSelect_0");
> and it did not update the select dom with the expected value that lives in the
> other select dom 
> getResponseBuilder().updateComponent("tableSizeSelect");
> Best regards Ken in nashua
> bidirectional dom interfaceDate: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 15:16:20 -0500
> Ok, I fixed the ID issue... But... it don't work. What don't Work? more than
> one DOM referencing one instance of a tapestry component/widget... namely a
> PropertySelect. Here is the proof. I did view-source fro the browser to look
> at the markup. markup...<select name="tableSizeSelect"
> id="tableSizeSelect">...<select name="tableSizeSelect_0"
> id="tableSizeSelect_0"> Now will HTML crap out if there exist multiple nodes
> of same ID. My problem is right above. Each select has been modeled with
> @Block  here is it.. the declaration
> <span jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
> <table width="100%" border=1>
> <tr>
> <td width="25%" align="left" NOWRAP>
> <span jwcid="@Insert" value="Table Size"/>
> <select jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> model="ognl:tableSizeModel"
> value="ognl:tableSize"
> />
> <span jwcid="@Insert" value="Paging Span"/>
> <select jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> model="ognl:pagingSpanModel"
> value="ognl:pagingSpan"
> />
> </td>     ...more cut out omitted code</span>       -------- here is it.. the
> definition... 
> <div jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
> <div jwcid="@RenderBlock" block="ognl:components.autoPagingContent" />
> </div>
> <div jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
> <div jwcid="@RenderBlock" block="ognl:components.collectionContent" />
> </div>
> <div jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
> <div jwcid="@RenderBlock" block="ognl:components.autoPagingContent" /></div>
> -----Now referring back to top... the ID was taken on the first instance but
> animated by tapestry on the second instance. markup...<select
> name="tableSizeSelect" id="tableSizeSelect">...<select
> name="tableSizeSelect_0" id="tableSizeSelect_0"> ? So now I guess EVERYTHING
> on the second definition ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) will get all of it's ID's 
> appended
> with an autoincrement. ? Here is the million dollar question... Given the
> following block of code...
> <div jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
> <div jwcid="@RenderBlock" block="ognl:components.autoPagingContent" />
> </div>
> <div jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
> <div jwcid="@RenderBlock" block="ognl:components.collectionContent" />
> </div>
> <div jwcid="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
> <div jwcid="@RenderBlock" block="ognl:components.autoPagingContent" /></div>
> How do I get headerSelect and footerSelect be updated against the same widget
> instance (which happens to be the ognl:components.autoPagingContent) ? I
> thought the above snippet was sufficient. It is obviously an ID issue.
> Clarification appreciated. Thanks in advance. Best regards Ken in nashua
> bidirectional dom interfaceDate: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 14:49:17 -0500
> Well it's probably because the ID has changed now to  id="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> OK, so I should use jwcid.Best regards Ken in nashua
> bidirectional dom interfaceDate: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:44:32 -0500
> Well I tried this in the page that contains the component...
> public void refresh()
> {
> getResponseBuilder().updateComponent("headerSelect");
> getResponseBuilder().updateComponent("footerSelect"); }  Since these are my
> dom references...
> <div id="headerSelect">
> <div jwcid="@RenderBlock" block="ognl:components.autoPagingContent" />
> </div>
> <div id="galleryContent">
> <div jwcid="@RenderBlock" block="ognl:components.collectionContent" />
> </div>
> <div id="footerSelect">
> <div jwcid="@RenderBlock" block="ognl:components.autoPagingContent" /></div>
> and this does not cut it. I am looking at cometd sample in tacos and it looks
> like I need to establish a scripting interface? Can anyone confirm? Is there
> an easier quicker way to update a dom referring to a widget from the server
> side?Thanks in advance...Best regards Ken in nashua
> bidirectional dom interfaceDate: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 08:15:02 -0500
> Hi Folks, I am impressed with this interface.
> @EventListener(events = { "onchange" }, targets = { "pagingSpanSelect" },
> submitForm = "myForm", async = true)
> public void pagingSpanListener(IRequestCycle cycle)
> {} It provides a nice interface from DOM into server side. But How do I talk
> to my dom javascript node from here? Is there a way to reference the form and
> set a value of a dom node that models a tapestry widget ? Why do I need this?
> Well My tapestry widget is modeled to a dom node A. But I actually used the
> @Block declaration to model another dom B node to the same widget...  When I
> change A, B stays the same. I need to update the other dom node
> when one changes. Thanks for any tips.Best regards Ken in nashua
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