You can throw new PageRedircetException("PageName"); or you can use the page

To inject the page service, do following:

public abstract IEngineService getPageService();

On Jan 18, 2008 12:30 PM, Andy Pahne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a listener method with the return type of ILink. It needs to
> return ILink, because in some cases the user will be forwarded to
> external pages and I created those links with
>    new StaticLink(url)
> In some other cases the listener method should return an ILink to an
> internal tapestry page. How can I construct an ILink that links to a page.
> Example:
> public ILink accommodationSelectAction(Hotel hotel) {
>  switch (someCondition) {
>   case CONDITION_1:
>      IPage nextPage = getNextPage();
>      return ????
>    case CONDITON_2:
>       return new StaticLink(someUrl);
>    default:
>       throw new ApplicationRuntmieException("boo boo");
>   }
>  }
> Thanks,
> Andy
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Best regards,

Igor Drobiazko

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