Perhaps its a bug that has been fixed in svn. You can use the svn or just wait for the snapshots to be regenerated :-)

Michael Gerzabek wrote:
I set <tapestry-release-version>5.0.10-SNAPSHOT</tapestry-release-version> this morning. I did now a clear project and put configuration.add(TapestryConstants.PRODUCTION_MODE_SYMBOL, "false"); into my The exception reports are cut.


Chris Lewis schrieb:
That sounds off. I'm using snapshot from svn and it works ok. I did word it wrong, you enable it like this:

configuration.add(TapestryConstants.PRODUCTION_MODE_SYMBOL, "false");

You did say you tried both but I wanted to clear this up. You shouldn't be seeing neutered exception reports.

Michael Gerzabek wrote:

Thank you for your comments.

It's true, after I ran into problems with missing labels in beaneditform I switched to 5.0.10-SNAPSHOT. I tried to contribute FactoryDefaults but there was no difference between "false" and "true". The exception page stays 'short'.


Chris Lewis schrieb:

A couple observations/notes:

- I don't know why you had to manually install the library (maybe the repo was down?), but if you manually installed it then it makes sense you had to install the other dependencies by hand. Maven manages those, so installing the component lib artifact by hand cuts out the maven dependency magic.

- If you got a message about a port address being in use, then you've got another server running on it. My guess is that is process of another project you're working on, or perhaps an attempted launch of the same one. You'll want to find the parent process and kill it, then you don't have to manually set your port.

- It seems like you're using 5.0.10-SNAPSHOT. The ExceptionReport page hides all of the useful stuff unless you tell T5 to work in the new 'development' mode, which is disabled by default. Enable it like so:

public static void contributeFactoryDefaults(MappedConfiguration<String, String> configuration)
configuration.add(TapestryConstants.PRODUCTION_MODE_SYMBOL, "true"); //false would be development

Hope this helps. Also, congrats Sven for frequent releases and improvements!


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