Hi Bill,

There are some things you need to be aware of when using Tomcat, they're listed here: http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/tomcat.html

You're running your application as an exploded directory, so perhaps that's why. I think you can instruct IntelliJ to build a war-file on Make, so try that and see if it helps.


On 2008-03-11 18:26, Bill Holloway wrote:
Anyone have auto reloading going in IntelliJ for component classes and
templates?  I loved this about Eclipse+JettyLauncher.  No restart!

In IntelliJ, I have tomcat going under the builtin server run
configuration for an exploded directory (../out).  I've tried Make,
and that does seem to update the class files in the exploded
directory, but the functionality doesn't change.


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