I made my own login.tml and integrate acegi for my security.But when I run
the login page in IE,there is a error icon after username and password filed
even the first time to access it.


I don’t know why,


The login.tml is:


<html xmlns:t="http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd";>



<link href="${asset:context:css/style.css}"  rel="stylesheet"
type="text/css" />

<title>YOUR TITLE HERE!</title>




<body scroll="no">


<div class="header">

  <div class="header_interior"><img src="${asset:context:/images/logo.gif}"
alt="Logo" width="44" height="44" style="float:left; margin-right:10px;" /> 

  <h1 class="title">Call Center for JILIN Tax Revenue </h1>




<div class="header_shadow"> </div>


  <div class="content_interior">



    <div class="login_table">

    <br />



    <t:form t:id="loginForm">




              <td><input t:type="TextField" type="text" t:id="j_username"




              <td><input t:type="PasswordField"  type="password"
t:id="j_password" /></td>








<div class="footer"><div class="footer-inner">



    <br clear="all" />

<hr width="100%"  noshade="noshade"  style="border-top:1px solid #FFFFFF;
border-bottom: none; margin-bottom:5px;" />

<div style="text-align:center;">Copyright ? 2008 YourName 

  <!-- Thanks Again --> </div>

</div><br clear="all" /></div>




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