Is there any way to get the component that fired an event? I looked at the documentation and the sources trying to find out, but no success.

IMHO it would be very intesresting for mixins. I have just wrote one that uses Hibernate Validator to handle the form validation event automatically and add the error messages. I had two implementation choices:

1) Assume that the validated form always has a default t:id (form):
@OnEvent(component = Constants.FORM_ID, value = Form.VALIDATE_FORM)

2) Assume that there will always only a form in the page, as the mixin doesn't know what form fired the event:
@OnEvent(value = Form.VALIDATE_FORM)

I think the second choice is too harsh, but then my mixin would only with one form per page and its t:id would have always the same.

What about a Component getSource() method in EventContext?

One another option would be that restricting instance mixins to only handle events originated from their corresponding component instance, but I don't know how difficult would it be to implement.

By the way, its amazing how powerful the mixin concept is in Tapestry.


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