To begin with: I'll go with the majority and change my vote from XHTML/CSS to DocBook (specifically to the simplified version, as DocBook has maaaaaaaany tags :) and its tools and publishing advantages.

From this line of this message on, this is just a suggestion for anyone that needs to write some document, not a part of the discussion. :)

Em Tue, 26 Aug 2008 23:06:29 -0300, Alex Kotchnev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

1. As it was mentioned before, the multiple formats export option is
extremely useful, as generally, I want to write content, and not necessarily spend time on formatting things. There certainly may come a time when we
might need to spend time on formatting the whole book uniformly, but at
least initially, I'd rather not worry too much about that. In my opinion,
although the "semantic xhtml markup" seems like an easy way to start with, it wouldn't be as expressive and explicit as docbook about the elements in the content of the book (unless someone is willing to spend time to heavily customize CSS stylesheets, write utilities to parse this "custom" format,

As I am (or was) the only one advocating XHTML+CSS here, I would take care of the CSS issues. We could use some existent CSS files as a starting point. And, believe, me, with some simple semantic CSS tags defined, nobody would need to care about formatting, just using the right tag and/or CSS class. A short example taken from

<div class="preface">
        <p>This is a sample document ...</p>
<div class="chapter">
        <h1 style="counter-reset: page 1">The Web and HTML</h1>
        <p class="sidenote">
The box <a class="pageref" href="#specs">&ldquo;CSS Specifications&rdquo;</a>
                lists the different CSS specifications.
        <p>Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) ...</p>

        <div class="section">
                <h2>The Web</h2>
                <p>Something about the web ...</p>

I also suggest everybody to read about microformats (,


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