any exception stack ?

2008/9/3 Natia Gdzelishvili <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm using tapestry 5.0.14 ,i vahe problem with aso, my code is:
> public class Login {
>    private String username;
>    private String password;
>    @Inject
>    private IBusinessServicesLocator _businessServicesLocator;
>    @ApplicationState
>    private User currUser;
>    private boolean userExists;
>    public String getUsername() {
>        return username;
>    }
>    public void setUsername(String username) {
>        this.username = username;
>    }
>    public String getPassword() {
>        return password;
>    }
>    public void setPassword(String password) {
>        this.password = password;
>    }
>    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>    @OnEvent(value = "submit", component = "loginForm")
>    public Object submitLoginForm() {
>        Class nextPage;
>        try {
>            User u=getMerchantCreator().login(username, password);
> //*returns
> some object*
>            currUser = u; /*/ currUser object cannot be resolved*
>            nextPage = ViewAllMerchants.class;
>        } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
>            nextPage = Login.class;
>            e.printStackTrace();
>        }
>        return nextPage;
>    }
>    private IMerchantCreatorLocal getMerchantCreator() {
>        return _businessServicesLocator.getMerchantCreatorLocal();
>    }
> }
> i cannot access curruser...
> please help..

with regards
Sven Homburg

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