You have two ways of setting the currUser DAO:

1. Copy fields from one object to another.
Just add this to your code:


You don't have to assign the currUser field. That will the done for you by Tapestry.

2. Declare the ASO like this:

private User currUser;

assign the field like this:

currUser = u;

Natia Gdzelishvili wrote:
I've tried to do this:
currUser=new User();
and then set some values but it does not work...

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Natia Gdzelishvili

I'm not using userExists,
in tapestry 5.0.9 everything was working, i was doing the same

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Fernando Padilla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

Also, i thought you were to think of an ASO almost as a singleton or a
service.  Tapestry will create it for you on first access.  I didn't know
you could set it.  Even if I'm wrong, using this design pattern might clean
things up a little.

So you should use another class to contain a reference to the current
active user, call it "UserContainer".

private UserContainer currUser;

and it would have methods like:

currUser.setUser(User user)

or whatever you like.

José Paumard wrote:


I think there is a mistake in your code :

private User currUser ;
private boolean userExists ;

I dont think T5 will link userExists and currUser, currUser should be
named user, or userExists currUserExists (please correct me if I'm wrong).

That said, what do you mean "I cant access currUser", do you mean that
the ASO is null in other classes that want to read it ? Or do you mean that
userExists is always false (which is normal, see above).


Natia Gdzelishvili a écrit :

I'm using tapestry 5.0.14 ,i vahe problem with aso, my code is:

public class Login {
   private String username;
   private String password;
   private IBusinessServicesLocator _businessServicesLocator;
   private User currUser;
   private boolean userExists;

   public String getUsername() {
       return username;

   public void setUsername(String username) {
       this.username = username;

   public String getPassword() {
       return password;

   public void setPassword(String password) {
       this.password = password;

   @OnEvent(value = "submit", component = "loginForm")
   public Object submitLoginForm() {
       Class nextPage;
       try {
           User u=getMerchantCreator().login(username, password);
some object*
           currUser = u; /*/ currUser object cannot be resolved*
           nextPage = ViewAllMerchants.class;

       } catch (UserNotFoundException e) {
           nextPage = Login.class;
       return nextPage;

   private IMerchantCreatorLocal getMerchantCreator() {
       return _businessServicesLocator.getMerchantCreatorLocal();

i cannot access curruser...
please help..

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