
I know Tapestry5 really pushes the convention-over-configuration
approach, but lets face it - in every non-trivial application you
eventually need to configure stuff. If not directly tapestry-related
properties, then at least your application.

By default, Tapestry seems to suggest that everybody should start using
web.xml for all such configuration purposes. At least that's the
impression that I get when looking at

However, I don't particularly like the overly-verbose web.xml style of
configuring plain-simple properties - I'd rather use (the much more
concise) properties file syntax for that.

Is it possible to tell to Tapestry: "please load all properties from

If not, can someone give some pointers on how to implement it?
(it would also be a welcome "out-of-the-box" addition to Tapestry5)


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