
I've been digging the web with no success, but I'm a Tapestry 5 newbie
(running the v5.0.15), thus maybe I missed something.

I'm currently attempting to develop a custom Tapestry component that
aims at inserting HTML "select/checkbox/textfield" tags into an
existing HTML form. Let's say that I have a .tml which contains a
<t:form>, in which I have my <t:myCustomComponent> element.

This myCustomComponent component is supposed to render multiple HTML
"select/checkbox/textfield" elements, depending on its main Tapestry
parameter. But, instead of writing plain HTML via the traditional
"beginRender/afterRender()" methods, I'd prefer to re-user the
built-in "Select/CheckBox/TextField" Tapestry classes, and add
instances of those classes as inner components of my myCustomComponent

The idea is, on the enclosing form submission, to be able to retrieve
the values of those various HTML form sub elements. I do not know
whether this is feasible. Is it possible to add components on-the-fly
to an existing component during its rendering process (or at another
relevant moment)? I do not even know where to start with. Could
someone, please give me a hint on how to achieve that?

Thank you for your help and time. Cheers,

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