
the problem is not your pagelink, the problem is your stylesheet link. When it trys to load, it seems to search in "viewMetadata/style.css", thus being passed as an activation context which of course cannot be coerced to long.

Anyway, in my opinion the best way to pass the stylesheet is the @IncludeStylesheet-Annotation.

class ViewMetadata {

An alternative and something you might need when including images, for example, is by using Assets:

Asset cssFile;


<link href="${cssFile}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


More on Assets: http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/guide/assets.html

- Tobias

tapestryphoto schrieb:

I have a PageLink thus:

<t:PageLink t:page="viewMetadata" t:context="listItem.metadata.metadataId">

and code thus:

public void onActivate(long metadataId)
        System.out.println("METADATA ID = "+metadataId);
        this.metadata = repository.getMetaDataById(metadataId);

Although every time I click on the link I get taken to the correct page and the passed value is printed out correctly, I also get the following exception:

[ERROR] TapestryModule.RequestExceptionHandler Processing of request failed with uncaught exception: Exception in method dportal.pages.ViewMetadata.onActivate(long) (at ViewMetadata.java:20), parameter #1: Coercion of style.css to type java.lang.Long (via String --> Long) failed: For input string: "style.css" org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.ComponentEventException: Exception in method dportal.pages.ViewMetadata.onActivate(long) (at ViewMetadata.java:20), parameter #1: Coercion of style.css to type java.lang.Long (via String --> Long) failed: For input string: "style.css"

This occurs even when hard-coding the value thus:

<t:PageLink t:page="viewMetadata" t:context="5">

So, what have I done wrong?


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