Solved the problem (it did work before the way I described in my first post
and suddenly stopped, thatswhy I was a bit puzzled).

In Spring security context add a context to the landing page


<form-login login-page="/login" default-target-url="/lindex/loginsuccess"/>


    private Messages messages;

    private String message;

    private String context;

    void onActivate(String contextString)
        context = contextString;
        if (context != null
                && context.equalsIgnoreCase("loginsuccess"))
            message = messages.get("loginsuccess");

    Object onPassivate()
        return context;

And everything works as expected...

2008/11/23 Otho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all!
> I couldn't find a thread about this problem:
> After logging in with spring security I get correctly redirected to the
> landing page, in this case Index, but the layout components, namely the main
> menu, which has entries shown depending on the user roles do not get
> refreshed. Only when I click on one of the links the whole page is reloaded
> and the menu is, as it should be. This phenomenon occurs if I use a normal
> form (not tapestry) and also if I use a tapestry form and construct a
> redirect link like in Shams phb1.0.2.
> Anybody knows this problem and a solution?

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