The second issue can be solved with css and the white-space property:

The first issue is probably because you are escaping the <br> elements. I don't know how you turn that off for a property in Tapestry by heart but it should be quite easy to find in the reference.

Cathy_123 wrote, On 21/01/2009 11:40:
Hello everybody,

I would like to do a table and in one column, I have several lines that I
would like to show on several lines. Something like that:
| header 1  | header 2             | header 3 |
| hello 1     | first line              | test 1     |
|               | second line         |              |
| hello 2     | first lineeeeeeeeee| test 2    |
|               | second line         |              |
|               | third line            |              |

  I set these values on the java code and I try to add ' \n\r' or '\r\n' or
'<br>' on the string but tapestry
doesn't understand this carracters. Do you know how to do it ?

And I would like that the table doesn't add automatically the carriage
return when my string is too long like too.

| header 1  | header 2             | header 3 |
| hello 1     | first line              | test 1     |
|               | second line         |              |
| hello 2     | first lineeeeee     |              |<--- NOT OK
|               |eeee                  | test 2     |
|               | second line         |              |
|               | third line            |              |

thank you for your help


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