
I use 5.0.18 and I cannot get SymbolConstant.SCRIPTS_AT_TOP=false to work.

What I found in the sources and by running my app with a debugger:

* TapestryModule sets SymbolConstant.SCRIPTS_AT_TOP to "false" in contributeFactoryDefaults()

* in TapestryModule.contributeMarkupRenderer()the Symbol gets injected and is later passed to

Create a new DocumentLinkerImpl with "new DocumentLinkerImpl(productionMode, scriptsAtTop);"

* if I set a Breakpoint in DocumentLinkerImpl's constructor scriptsAtTop is set to true

I have no idea when the configuration is changed. It is not touched in my application. Could someone help me? This are my questions:

1. Who changes the configuration? When?

2. How can I set SymbolConstant.SCRIPTS_AT_TOP to false?

3. How could I provide my own implemation of DocumentLinkerImpl?


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