> It would be very nice to have Tapestry components be more Javascript
> framework agnostic, but pushing Howard (and the other committers too, they
> exist!, hehehe) to do this and not working on other issues (after all, this
> is all about fixing something that already works, just doesn't work as good
> as we wished) wouldn't be a wise thing to do.

Great thread and I'm really not trying to take away from the momentum - but
per this last idea ... I'd keep in mind that the one of Tapestry's goal is
to increase marketshare.

I'd suggest that, while Javascript agnosticism may not be the top priority
amongst *current* users, I think that in general, it ranks up there (along
with documentation) as being pretty important going forward. It is really
quite an integral part of anything Web 2.0ish.

< $0.02.


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