Both work.

Safari 4.0.1 and FF3 on Mac OSX NAT but no proxy, Canada.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Geoff Callender <> wrote:

> Everyone,
> Please try this quick experiment. I am trying to figure out why it works
> for some people and not for others.
> The experiment is: go to the following two pages and click on "Add a
> row"...
> Did it work? Please reply here with whether it worked or not, and include
> whether you are running through a proxy, whether you OS is Windows, and what
> country you are in.
> Hopefully there's a pattern.
> Thanks,
> Geoff
> P.S. The people who reported a problem say that the blackbird console shows
> this kind of thing:
> # Communication with the server failed: The rendered content did not
> include any elements that allow for the positioning of the hidden form
> field's element.
> # Ajax failure: Status 500 for
> /jumpstart/examples/tables/ajaxformlooptailored1.ajaxformloop.rowinjector:inject;jsessionid=3BB5CE5E0D166AC91A4561295B8F5151?t:formcomponentid=examples/tables/AjaxFormLoopTailored1:personsedit&t:formid=personsedit:
> The rendered content did not include any elements that allow for the
> positioning of the hidden form field's element.

Jonathan Barker

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