Hello all.

I'm experiencing weird problems with the @CommitAfter tag ...

Have a hibernate schema, a configuration, and everything ok ( it runs , checked ), now, the only WAY of getting a data to be persisted into database is using a transaction, like this

   Object onSuccess() {
Customer customer = (Customer) theSession.get(Customer.class, theSubscription.getId());
       if (customer != null) {
           Transaction tx = theSession.beginTransaction();
       return null;

Previously, the following did work, but it's not working now .. it just says ok, it returns a generated Id , ( as seen in logs ) , but does not persist the info in the table.
   Object onSuccess() {
Customer customer = (Customer) theSession.get(Customer.class, theSubscription.getId());
       if (customer != null) {
       return null;

The bean is a java bean ( no Tapestry annotation at all, just the hbm.xml file , unchanged )
Any help ?

My relevant information from hibernate.cfg
May the transaction factory have anything to do with the problem ?

       <!--  Session configurations -->
<property name="hibernate.current_session_context_class">thread</property> <property name="hibernate.transaction.factory_class">org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory</property>

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