As Sebastian points out if the boolean selected field is part of your
pojo it is trivial to bind this to a checkbox in the grid. This was my
initial approach for simplicity but in my case the pojos were Hibernate
entities and I didn't want this field to be persisted or to clutter up
the entity as a transient field, so I went with a different approach
which might work for you...

I created a session-persisted hashset in my page where the elements are
the ids of the entities being selected (you can use the items themselves
if they support hashcode/equals properly).

My code looked something like this:
        private HashSet<String> selectedSet=new HashSet<String>();

        public boolean getCurrentSelected() {
                return selectedSet.contains(current.getId());
        public void setCurrentSelected(boolean value) {
                if ( value ) {
                } else {

        <t:grid t:id="selectProgrammesGrid" 
                        <t:checkbox value="currentSelected"/>

Hope it helps, I thought it was rather tidy!

-----Original Message-----
From: Scot Mcphee [] 
Sent: 10 August 2009 06:41
Subject: Using a checkbox in a grid component


Does any one have a short recipe how to use a checkbox in a grid  

What I need to do is fairly simple - let the use select (for example)  
three of five available options presented in a grid component, and  
submit their selections, which are then processed. A good example  
would be a "remove" checkbox on a list of items in a shopping cart,  
where the items are are only in the user's session so database IDs  
won't do.

I've tried looking through the wiki, searching google, searching the  
mailing list with google, and looking through the 'Tapestry 5 Building  
Web Applications' book which I bought as a PDF, but alas, I can't find  
find a simple recipe for doing this.

I'd like to use the Grid because the data will be fairly complex (it  
isn't for the time being, once I get this technique functional it will  
be). I'd like the selection to change a value in the underlying POJO  
(e.g. Pojo.selected) that's backing the Grid. I have been unable to  
get this anywhere near any semblance of "working".  Therefore  
currently any sort of technique that could possibly work would be  
appreciated, for example to have an List<Pojo> originalList and  
List<Pojo> selectedList - I've tried to see what convention might give  
me that behaviour but so far, been unable to uncover it.


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