Sorry for the late answer.

Thanks for the advice, Jose Luis. I did this although the app was
working OK, but it's better preventing. It works anyway.

PD Muchas gracias ;-)

2009/9/14 jose luis sanchez <>:
> There's a lib dependency problem between chenillekit and tapestry.
> You should add and exclussion in the chenillekit tapestry dependency.
> Add this to your pom.xml file
>  <dependency>
>        <groupId>org.chenillekit</groupId>
>            <artifactId>chenillekit-tapestry</artifactId>
>            <version>1.1.0</version>
>           * <exclusions>
>                <exclusion>
>                    <artifactId>javassist</artifactId>
>                    <groupId>jboss</groupId>
>                </exclusion>
>            </exclusions>*
>   </dependency>
>> I have mended the issue and it works! I made a change in the Eclipse
>> build path and added the jar file.
>> About the WEB-INF/lib it seems empty. I don't have much experience
>> with webapps, as it's obvious. But I'm running it with Maven and it
>> must be locating the libs in another place. I don't understand very
>> well why changing the Eclipse config did arrange it, but it's welcome.
>> Thanks for the hint, Sven. :-D
>> 2009/9/14 Sven Homburg <>:
>>> Are you sure, that the chenillekit libs are resists in you WEB-INF/lib ?
>>> with regards
>>> Sven Homburg
>>> Founder of the Chenille Kit Project
>>> 2009/9/14 Madtyn <>
>>>> I tried for the first time to use a chenilleKit component, so I was
>>>> reading about, and I only included a DateTimeField component.
>>>> 1.- I added the repository and the dependencies to the pom xml of the
>>>> parent multiproject.
>>>> 2.- I added the next code on the Java class:
>>>>  import org.chenillekit.tapestry.core.components.DateTimeField;
>>>>  /* some code */
>>>>  private Date date=null;
>>>> �...@component(parameters = {"value=date1", "datePattern=dd/MM/yyyy" })
>>>>      private DateTimeField _dateTimeField1;
>>>> 3.- Then, I wrote this in the .tml:
>>>>  <input t:id="dateTimeField1"/>
>>>> mvn compile appears to work. It downloads many things from the
>>>> repository. But when I entered the page, I got his error:
>>>> # java.lang.RuntimeException
>>>> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: caught an exception while obtaining
>>>> a class file for es.udc.madtyn.gimnasio.web.pages.find.FindIncidencias
>>>> # java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
>>>> caught an exception while obtaining a class file for
>>>> es.udc.madtyn.gimnasio.web.pages.find.FindIncidencias
>>>> exception
>>>> javassist.NotFoundException: DateTimeField
>>>> #
>>>> javassist.NotFoundException: DateTimeField
>>>>   What I'm doing wrong? The only thing I didn't find on the inet was
>>>> the import, but I think it's all right.
>>>> Thank you very much.
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