Hi all!

I started fresh with T5 about a week ago and have some weeks in order to
transfer a huge existing JSP/Spring-MVC solution to T5.

The site is a poker site with over 100 pages (most of them dynamic) in 4
different languages. There is a lot of admin pages and quite complex
shares and commissioning support pages. I.e. players earn shares by playing
and by refering other players. On top of this we have the
integration with the poker network.

We are upgrading the look and feel of the site completely plus adding casino
and academy functions.

I felt that it should be hard to develop/support the site without upgrading
the technology so I decided to give T5 a shot.
In the same time I upgraded MySql, Hibernate, Spring, Debian. CVS to SVN.
Ant to Mvn. And so on ...

Of course I have undertaken a much too big job and the risk is huge! But
what the heck! Hacking has never ever been so fun!
Let's get fired in style!

T5 is my friend and I am very very much in love with the error page. The
time that is saved by those lovely precise and concise error messages is

If and when i succeed i promise to produce a report on the winnings by
moving from the jsp/spring-mvc kludge.

The TapestrySpringFilter let me access all of the existing spring beans with
just a simple @Inject annotation. And it just works!

My eyes are bleeding with jsp infection but my heart is full of T5 hope !

Wish me luck!

Great Work Folks!

Gunnar Eketrap,
Stockholm Sweden

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