Great to hear about your technological metamorphosis!  Let me know
when you make a new Mafia Wars type app. =)
And don't forget to lock down your app, security-wise.

On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Gunnar Eketrapp
<> wrote:
> Hi all!
> I started fresh with T5 about a week ago and have some weeks in order to
> transfer a huge existing JSP/Spring-MVC solution to T5.
> The site is a poker site with over 100 pages (most of them dynamic) in 4
> different languages. There is a lot of admin pages and quite complex
> shares and commissioning support pages. I.e. players earn shares by playing
> and by refering other players. On top of this we have the
> integration with the poker network.
> We are upgrading the look and feel of the site completely plus adding casino
> and academy functions.
> I felt that it should be hard to develop/support the site without upgrading
> the technology so I decided to give T5 a shot.
> In the same time I upgraded MySql, Hibernate, Spring, Debian. CVS to SVN.
> Ant to Mvn. And so on ...
> Of course I have undertaken a much too big job and the risk is huge! But
> what the heck! Hacking has never ever been so fun!
> Let's get fired in style!
> T5 is my friend and I am very very much in love with the error page. The
> time that is saved by those lovely precise and concise error messages is
> uncountable!
> If and when i succeed i promise to produce a report on the winnings by
> moving from the jsp/spring-mvc kludge.
> The TapestrySpringFilter let me access all of the existing spring beans with
> just a simple @Inject annotation. And it just works!
> My eyes are bleeding with jsp infection but my heart is full of T5 hope !
> Wish me luck!
> Great Work Folks!
> Gunnar Eketrap,
> Stockholm Sweden

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