2009/10/27 Magnus Rundberget <run...@me.com>

> On 27. okt.. 2009, at 19.58, Argo Vilberg wrote:
>  hi,
>> Is there any project sources on internet where i can learn advance ajax
>> and
>> Tapestry coding?
> So you are way beyond
> http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5.1/guide/ajax.html  ?
> You have looked at the bundled components and mixins (and their source) ?
> Maybe you have even had a peak at www.chenillekit.org /
> http://chenillekit.codehaus.org ?
> And you have tried http://wiki.apache.org/tapestry/Tapestry5HowTos for
> inspiration ?
> Let me rephrase. What do you mean by advanced and which sources have you
> tried already ?

I want create full dynamic HTML, with full ajax and javascript control over
dynamic HTML.
I write early 2 month ago asp 1.0 + jQuery + ajax. And that was pretty easy.
And also i write php with codeignator + jQuery, also no problem. Watch
estonian fresh food google MAP project (www.elavtoit.com)
And now with tapestry, i use day after day try - exit method(this is exactly
translation from estonian:) and i do not fully understand why this framework
is so complicated. There are annotations and other trick, that combine full
new tehnology over html,css,javascript,ajax. What is that for? All component
deals with hard staff for you. But if i do not understand how component
works, and secondly if i try do something diffferent that component allows
then there is black hole( no way to do it ).
Or spend days after days try-and try wich ways in tapestry works. This try
to make coding easier is at last make coding much harder than in regular asp
1.0 or PHP.
Earler i write estonain e-School project, now approximatley 85% estonian
school are using it and 50% of population of estonia using it. There are my
own written framework, similar to hibarenate(caching, clustering,
db-pooling) and also old j2ee standard xml-xslt transformation framework.
Fully optimized and works fine. In current project tapestry is not my choise
but i must end this project.

> Once you get the hang of how tapestry supports ajax, i'm sure you can go as
> advanced as you like.
>  Also is i interested jQuery and Tapestry advance examples.
> Once you get over the conflict of $, it should in theory be straight
> forward... check out the wiki on howto enable jquery. Let me know if you
> find any good examples of cool jquery plugin integrations for tapestry !

Jes i get over $ confict.
But i spend over 1 week to get tapestry ajax working with select onchange.
Changing 5.0.14  to
And if i want generate dynamic HTML. This is only possible with tapestry
LOOP, if loop is over LIST of  String:)
If there are any kind on other datatype, then error occored.
But how to put in dynamic HTML  select javacript and AJAX. I dont know ....
So i must figure out how get over Tapestry and use only ANY tapestry

>  And is there possible switch off tapestry javascript and write fully my
>> own
>> javascript?
>>  Search this forum for disable javascript (somebody asked the same not to
> long ago).... Is there any particular reason you wish to fight the framework
> ?

Why must framework so complicated. So many classes and annotation that hard
to see hole picture.
If there are some greate project done in tapestry5 with complicated AJAX,
then plese send me source code:)
This is way to learn Tapestry5!!!



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