
I agree with the posters that say "refine your code-base" as priority one,
and I agree that writing the book is a very close priority two. So the
question isn't really which should you do, as both are crucial to Tapestry
the product and it's community of users.

The problem is how best to leverage your knowledge. You must delegate and
direct, or you become Tapestry's main growth bottleneck. You already know
this, of course, so the question is "how do I leverage me"?

Number one: find a book author that knows almost as much as you do. Maybe
Igor's that person, since he both knows the product (I guess; haven't read
his book) and has written a book. The question then is incentives. Writing a
book is tough, and Tapestry's market is narrower (but not for long!) than
other possible uses of book-writers' time. What can you do to make it
economically worthwhile for that book-writer, or an existing book-writer's
publisher, to write another? My next phone call would be to Igor's
publisher, and say "Hey, you guys just wrote a book for the German market.
You already sunk all those costs, now why not make a lot more revenue from
your investment? How would you like to do a good translation, and sell into
the vastly larger English market (~80Mil audience .vs. 500Mil)?" Tapestry is
used in Europe, U.S., English-speaking Asia, Australia, U.K, etc

Find out if that publisher's ready to expand into U.S. - that may be on
their mind. Also, see about electronic publishing instead of hard-bound. I
bought an e-book on Tapestry a while back, and it was pretty helpful. I'd do
it again in a heartbeat. That'll reduce the publisher's risk a LOT. Also,
there's a good UK publisher that does e-books already, and does it well. I
bought a Lucene book that way not long ago, and would use them again in a
heartbeat. Think "reduced publisher risk", and "I.T. users are ideal e-book

Next: Think about the steps that the SpringSource people went through as
they spun up their business. They added a consulting arm, and that generated
enough revenue to do documentation - hiring a full-timer to do it right, did
a really strong online reference, etc. 

Consulting is an excellent revenue-producer. Can you replicate you in that
capacity also? Would you want to? How do you see "growth" and "managing"
stuff? Some people (very logically) run screaming from the room if the
subject's brought up ;)

Another idea: ask your contributors here at the forum to consider writing
documentation modules. Consider an annual subscription fee of $20-50 to be a
member of a support system that has a bunch of contributed modules. Pro-rata
distribute the subscription fee to the modules-writers based on hits. There
are a number of people here that are capable, and if you provided the
incentive...they might do it. If you can provide the money-channel and the
set of next-most-needed topics, I bet you might find some takers.

The problem is centrally a one of incentives for the right people to step up
and do the work. Why would someone want to write documentation? Credit,
money, resume-stuffer, book-deal...what? OK, now find a way to get them what
they want in order to remove info-flow bottlenecks that are impeding
Tapestry's growth. 

You may also consider moving away from the book format altogether and
concentrate your writing onto your website. Make it a knowledge vending
machine. Ask your forum of smart people this question:

"If I was to design a self-sustaining, revenue-producing mechanism that
produced great on-line doc for Tapestry, leveraged all you brilliant people,
and made it worth your while to do it, what would that design be like?"

I think the key is to leverage existing Tapestry knowledge, especially
yours. How can that knowledge be replicated, extended, sub-classed...? How
can the knowledge of your many very talented forum posters be captured,
replicated, distributed...?

Good luck. We all wish for your continued success. I'll be in your neck of
the woods 2nd week of Dec if you want to meet for a cuppa joe and discuss it

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