Em Tue, 08 Dec 2009 04:22:58 -0200, Kalle Korhonen <kalle.o.korho...@gmail.com> escreveu:

and subsequently, if my page has multiple entry points, I typically
resort to implementing it in a single onActivate(EventContext
eventContext) operation containing a big if-else clause.

That's the recommended way when you have a variable number of activation context parameters.

Since the activation context is anyway sent with an event request (as in
?t:ac=mycontext), rather than using the encoded context for rendering,
wouldn't it be just simpler if that context was used for activating
the page for the event request and the following redirect for
rendering would just use whatever context onPassivate() returns?

The activation context is always what onPassivate() returns. I don't understand what is the problem here.

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Independent Java, Apache Tapestry 5 and Hibernate consultant, developer, and instructor Owner, software architect and developer, Ars Machina Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.

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