I too had this problem and it was caused by the new (and very necessary) asset authorisation which prevents web access to your context root through your tapestry app. The default is fairly strict, and as it seems too strict for the FCKeditor in the chenillekit-tapestry package. I added the following [1] to my AppModule which fixed it. It tells T5 to allow requests to the chenillekit assets with the specified extensions (especially the html and xml once are needed as the images are already allowed I think).

I think you should not need to do this as chenillekit should add this itself, but I assume it will in the next release. But maybe raise this issue in the chenillekit mailing list to be sure.

Hope it helps,

public static void contributeRegexAuthorizer(
           Configuration<String> configuration) {
        //should actually not be needed

Boban Stojanovski wrote:
can someone tell me how to implement a fckeditor in a tapestry webapp.

i use maven.
The Pom.XML is a bit large so ill paste just the fckeditor part


Chenillekit has a FCKeditor.

I tried to use it in my web app but i have a problem.

the *.java page
import org.chenillekit.tapestry.core.components.Editor;
private String testValue;
@Component(parameters = {"value=testValue", "width=100%"})
private Editor editor;
the *.tml part of the page
<form action="#" t:type="Form">
<textarea t:id="editor">
this is a test input
<div id="test1">${testValue}</div>

i get an error




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can anyone give me some advice about fixing the problem?

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