Il 30/12/2009 16:39, Alfonso Quiroga ha scritto:

> Is there some idea of how the demo app should be? I'm NOT a T5 expert
> but I can do it if it's simple.
> a) The first question is... if we have a t5-starter-demo-app, where
> will be hosted?

In the same Maven repository of the usual "quickstart" archetype, if

> b) What does the app need? I was thinking in very basic, 2 o 3 pages,
> using web-security with annotations, storing data in session... a
> t:zone example.. and I don't know what else, any suggestions?

For what regards me, I would appreciate an application with the
following features.

a) User registration
b) Login/Logout and "remember me"
c) User profile management (that is: the individual user should be able
to create and modify his own profile)
d) Users administration (that is: the site administrator should be able
to administer the users and their "roles")

(please note that most, if not all, of this access control stuff can be
supplied by ACEGI and is actually present in the AppFuse basic app).

e) I18n and language switching
f) CSS Stylesheet switching (through a web.xml configuration parameter
or through a site-admin parameter)

Most of the internal features of T5 (sessions, etc.) have to be used to
build these "macro" functionalities.

It would also be very nice to have a basic content/page administration
section, like the one supplied by Brix (Wicket-based).

> I think this idea contribute to new users adopting t5, maybe sounds
> stupid, but when you start.. if you have almost nothing to see, a lot
> of users can be discarding t5.

Right! This is what can happen...

Thanks for your interest in this topic.

Alessandro Bottoni

"Amusement to an observing mind is study."
     -- Benjamin Disraeli

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