yes, of course! the default language is available under '/' and '/en' (assuming it defaults to 'en'). google is checking every language, so I'd rather use the canonical tag.

Am 05.01.10 01:11, schrieb Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo:
Em Mon, 04 Jan 2010 19:15:49 -0200, Stephan Schwab <> escreveu:

According to SEO people that are involved in this project that behavior
creates an issue. They say search engines will detect duplicate content and punish that. Their suggestion is:

If all content is translated, would your pages still be considered duplicated?

Do you think it is necessary and can be done to have intra-page links - and probably those for component events as well - go to /url instead of /en/url?

You can disable the locale prefix by setting the SymbolConstants.ENCODE_LOCALE_INTO_PATH symbol to false.

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