
I already encounter this kind of error but the cause was not prototype.js.
There was a problem with anotherJS file (wymeditor) that was trying to
access to the script declarations to obtain path information.

First you can disable "tapestry.combine-scripts" to see what happens. Then
have a closer look to your JS files and find if any of them fails to load in
tapestry.combine-scripts mode.

Christophe Cordenier.

Developper of Wooki @wookicentral.com

2010/1/30 Donyee <xyw888...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,My app is using T5.1.0.5, and tomcat 6.0.18,jdk6,deployed as a war
> file.
> when app works fine some days, then it blocked when the brower request the
> prototype.js.
> I use the firebug to find that the blocked request is
> *****/assets/virtual/H4sIAAAAAAAAAIXNQQrCMBCF4XGhXkREhE500QNN41SqlYS86aKeyat5B4mQgJu6$002ffl47$002fWm9Z
> NotSWiDR2dAGpw8GmIJn4awwTX8plP3LqYggWbo$002fINxMv2p2Z$002fWPba9$002brtK3dFmkSFpbmiErLaF9WN4u$002fdkC6V1ZJd83eteSggV83nHzax7d8QAQAA.js
> after I restart the tomcat,the app works fine againe.
> It happens often.
> And the other apps in the same tomcat work fine all the time.
> any msg will be great.
> --
> Yet Another Java EE Developer!

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