Congratulation Howard! And a big thank you to you and everybody, who is developing this great framework and supporting in this maillist!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Alexander Muthmann

On 04.02.2010, at 19:39, Howard <> wrote:

I recently realized that the first prototype of Tapestry was written
ten years ago! It all started as a home project in my living room, with the original inspiration coming from some brief exposure to WebObjects.
Even the "new" codebase, Tapestry 5, is well over three years old at
this point.
How long can I ride this dragon? Pretty far, I think ... Tapestry keeps
getting better, I keep learning new things, and the community keeps
growing. I'm also very impressed by the other Tapestry committers, who
have really been stepping up to the plate, not just with code, but with
infrastructure issues and the backporting of bug fixes.
I think there are a lot of exciting things afoot in the larger Tapestry
world right now. Powerful new features are in the 5.2 code base (still
in alpha), including enhancements for JSR-303 (bean validation) and a
lot of (backwards compatible) changes to the way component classes are
enhanced at runtime. I'm also steaming ahead with a number of big
improvements to how JavaScript is organized in the rendered page.
Outside of the core project, there's quite a lot going on. Here's a few
things that have caught my attention recently:
First off, there's Wooki, a sizable Tapestry application (open source,
on GitHub) for collaborative book writing. It's very pretty to look at,
and the code looks quite ship-shape (no pun intended). I think Wookie
is not only going to prove useful on its own terms, but is also going
to serve as a great example code base for Tapestry.
Next up is Tynamo ... think Rails/Grails meets Tapestry. It's an
extension to Tapestry that supports even faster RAD development,
automatically creating CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) pages for
Hibernate entities. These same people have been building REST support
for Tapestry as well as conversational state. Lots of good stuff here
(though I haven't had a chance to try it out in detail).
I've been busy with my own Tapestry Extensions project at GitHub. I'm
in a lucky space ... I'm adding features to Tapestry and TapX to fit my
client's needs.
We're also seeing the deployments of some very large Tapestry 5
applications, such as SeeSaw which is the UK's answer to Hulu ...
streaming video on demand. This is expected to be one of the highest
bandwidth sites in Europe once it leaves beta.
The shame of it is ... I'm just the creator of the framework; I don't
know 1% of what's going on with applications developed in Tapestry. If
you are working on something cool, please drop me a line!

Posted By Howard to Tapestry Central at 2/04/2010 10:39:00 AM

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