On 12.02.2010 08:22, Igor Drobiazko wrote:
> I encourage you to read Joel's article on testing the software.
> http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000067.html
You know what, I teach software engineering at the University, and in
the matter of fact I have taught about several black-box and white-box
techniques, and do's and dont's and why's and when's about manual and
automated testing.

In this case we required black-box testing approach mainly via some
functional test method like classification trees method to be able to
differentiate all the different test-case classes and make a test
strategy for all of them, but it was not feasible. Hence we did not
predict all the test classess and all the possible scenarios, so in some
cases the database design failed, in many cases the quality of the
actual data in the database was the real reason for failure.

So, the point of my message was that there are reasons and situations
when you need your tools to support any kind of a process, and not the
process to support your tools. The more flexible your tools are to
exclusions and irregularites, the more applicable they will be.

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